Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sitting Up

Today was a very tiring day. Ben was up before Jared left for work and then he didn't want to go back to sleep. When Timothy got up I cleaned their room and got ready to clean his bed. He has had a few accidents and we needed to clean the mattress. So I spent all morning cleaning his bed. Needless to say it is still wet tonight and he has to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor. Anyway, after lunch I had everyone have quiet time. Benjamin had fallen asleep before lunch. Timothy fell asleep on the couch and the girls were reading in bed. So I decided that I would lay down too. As soon as I reached my door I heard Ben. So instead of having him wake Timothy up, I took him into my room and put him on the bed. I arranged the pillows on the other side of the bed so that he wouldn't fall off. (he doesn't roll more than once) I then layed down and dozed. Well I must have fallen asleep more than I thought. I could still hear the girls creeping down the hall to check on Ben, but all of a sudden I heard this excited squeal. I woke up and looked at Ben and he was sitting up in the bed. He has never done this before. He saw that I was awake and leaned forward onto his stomach. He then proceeded to get into a sitting position another four or five times. He was soooo excited that he had done that. Now he is mobile. He can get onto his stomach, roll to his back, roll to his stomach again and then sit up. He is still trying to crawl, but this is a big step.


Beth Tunnell said...

Oh my goodness! Ben is almost crawling! It seems like he was just born. We miss you guys!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

WHat a cute story for Ben to have abouthe first time he sat up! Oh man, what a busy day!

Patty said...

I keep picturing Ben the way I remember Tim when he was a baby. How fun.